
easy fundraising logoEasyFundraising helps turn everyday online shopping into free donations for your local NHS Charity!

Easyfundraising partners with brands who are willing to donate a portion of what you have spent with them, to your chosen cause 💜

It’s easy, all you have to do is:
1. Visit the easyfundraising website
2. Choose MY Hospitals Charity as your cause
3. Sign up to easyfundraising – it only takes 2 minutes!
4. Every time you shop online, brands give cashback as a thank you, and we share that money with your chosen cause
You can shop, and support MY Hospitals Charity, without it costing you any extra money 😊

All you need to do is use our link to shop via your favourite retailers and EasyFundraising will do the rest.


EasyFundraising hase over 5,000 retail partners to choose from!